TM 11-6130-392-34
b. Installation.
4 - 2 2 . Resistor Assembly (A14) and Com-
(1) Install heat shrinkable insulation sleeving
(M23053/5-105-2 per MIL-I-23053) over leads to
Removal and installation of resistor assembly (fig.
replacement filters.
4-2 and 4-3) and components on
resistor assembly
(2) Remove nuts from replacement filters and
are as follows:
slide over leads.
a. Removal.
(3) Route leads through filter mounting holes
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
in bracket (7).
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
(4) Remove tags and solder leads to filters (9).
(2) Remove screws (34) and washers (35) hold-
Slide sleeving over connections.
ing resistor board A14 (36) to chassis. Carefully
(5) Using heat gun, heat shrink sleeving on
m o v e resistor board away from chassis to gain
access to rear of resistor board.
(6) Position filters in mounting holes of bracket
(3) Remove mounting hardware holding faulty
and fasten with nuts (8).
component to resistor board.
(7) Position bracket on chassis and fasten with
(4) If CR1 is to be replaced, peel or pick away
screws (5) and nuts (6).
red staking compound over positive (+) terminal.
(8) Using red staking compound, apply a 0.04 to
(5) Tag and disconnect leads to faulty compo-
0.08 inch coating over terminal of filters.
nent and remove component.
(9) Install cover (3) on chassis and fasten with
b. Installation.
screws (1) and washers (2).
(1) If CR1 is being replaced, proceed as follows:
(a) Install CR1 on resistor board. Fasten
4-24. Panel Meter (M1)
with mounting hardware removed in step a. (3).
Removal and installation of panel meter (fig. 4-3)
(b) Remove tags and connect leads to CR1.
are as follows:
(c) Using red staking compound, apply a 0.04
a. Removal.
to 0.08 inch coating over positive (+) terminal. Go to
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
step (3).
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
(2) If any resistor (R11 through R15) is being
(2) Remove screws (38) and nuts (40) holding
replaced, proceed as follows:
p a n e l meter (37) to panel and carefully remove
(a) Install heat shrinkable insulation sleev-
meter to gain access to leads.
ing (M23053/5-105-2 per MIL-I-23053) over leads.
(3) Tag leads to meter and remove screws (39)
(b) Remove tags and solder leads to resistor
holding leads on back of meter.
and slide sleeving over connection.
b. Installation.
(c) Using a heat gun, heat shrink sleeving on
(1) Remove tags and fasten leads to panel
meter (37) with screws (39).
(d) Fasten resistor to resistor board with
(2) Install meter in chassis (4) and fasten with
mounting hardware removed in step a(3). Go to step
screws (38) and nuts (40).
(3) Position resistor board (36) on chassis and
fasten with screws (34) and washers (35).
(4) Install cover (3) on chassis and fasten with
4-25. Set Charge Time Control (S3)
screws (1) and washers (2).
Removal and installation of set charge time control
4-23. EMI Filters (FL1 and FL2)
a. Removal.
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
are as follows:
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
a. Removal
(2) Remove screws (5) holding printed wiring
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
board basket assembly (6) in chassis.
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
(2) Remove screws (5) and washers (6) holding
(3) Carefully remove basket assembly to gain
access to screw (7) and washer (8) holding leads to
EMI bracket (7) to chassis.
negative terminal on capacitor C1 (9); disconnect
(3) Remove nuts (8) from filters FL1 and FL2
(4) Carefully move basket assembly out and
(4) Carefully move filter bracket away from
chassis to gain access to components inside.
(5) Tag and unsolder leads to set time control
( 5 ) Tag and unsolder leads to filters and
remove filters.