TM 1 1 - 6 1 3 0 - 3 9 2 - 3 4
d. Installation (R7, R8 and R9).
(1) Remove tags and solder leads to fine adjust
For removal and installation of controls R5
control (75).
and R6 go to steps a and b, controls R7, R8
(2) Install control in chassis (4) and fasten with
and R9 go to steps c and d.
washers (74) and nuts (73).
a. Removal (R5 and R6).
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
chassis and fasten with screws (5) and nuts (6).
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
(4) Install transformer T1 (18, fig. 4-3) in chas-
(2) Remove screws (5) holding printed wiring
sis and fasten with cap screws (17).
board basket assembly (6) in chassis.
(5) Install capacitor C1 (9) in chassis and fasten
(3) Carefully remove basket assembly to gain
with screws (15) and washers (16).
access to screw (7) and washer (8) holding leads to
(6) Install printed wiring board basket
negative terminal on capacitor C1 (9); disconnect
assembly (6) in chassis.
( 7 ) Connect leads to capacitor C1 (9) with
(4) Carefully move basket assembly out and
screws (7) and washers (8).
( 8 ) Fasten basket assembly to chassis with
(5) Remove nuts (73) and washers (74) holding
screws (5).
fine adjust control (75) in chassis.
(9) Install cover (3) on chassis and fasten with
( 6 ) Carefully work c o n t r o l b a c k t h r o u g h
washers (2) and screws (1).
chassis; tag and unsolder leads to control.
b. Installation (R5 and R6).
4-28. Remote Battery Jacks (J1 - J10)
(1) Remove tags and solder leads to fine adjust
Removal and installation of remote battery jacks
control (75).
(2) Install control in chassis (4) and fasten with
washers (74) and nuts (73).
(3) Install printed wiring board basket
assembly (6) in chassis.
For removal and installation of jacks J1,
( 4 ) Connect leads to capacitor C1 (9) with
J2, J6 and J7 go to steps a and b, jacks J3,
screws (7) and washers (8).
J4, J5, J8, J9 and J10 go to steps c and d .
( 5 ) Fasten basket assembly to chassis with
a. Removal (J1, J2, J6 and J7).
screws (5).
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
(6) Install cover (3) on chassis and fasten with
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
washers (2) and screws (1).
(2) Remove screws (5) holding printed wiring
c. Removal (R7, R8 and R9).
board basket assembly (6) in chassis.
(1) Remove screws (1) and washers (2) holding
(3) Carefully remove basket assembly to gain
cover (3) to chassis (4) and remove cover.
access to screw (7) and washer (8) holding leads to
(2) Remove screws (5) holding printed wiring
negative terminal on capacitor C1 (9); disconnect
board basket assembly (6) in chassis.
(3) Carefully remove basket assembly to gain
(4) Carefully move basket assembly out and
access to screw (7) and washer (8) holding leads to
negative terminal on capacitor C1 (9); disconnect
(5) Remove screws (80) and nuts (81) holding
filter assembly A15 (82) to chassis. Carefully move
(4) Carefully move basket assembly out and
filter assembly aside.
(6) Unsolder lead to jack.
(5) Remove screws (15) and washers (16) hold-
i n g capacitor C 1 to chassis. C a r e f u l l y move
(7) Remove nut (77) and washers (78 and 79)
holding jack to chassis and remove jack.
capacitor aside to gain access to bottom of chassis.
b. Installation (J1, J2, J6 and J7).
(6) Remove cap screws (17) holding transform-
(1) Install jack in chassis (4) and fasten with
nut (77) and washers (78 and 79).
out of chassis.
(2) Solder lead to jack.
holding EMI bracket (7) to chassis. Carefully move
(3) Install filter assembly (82) and fasten with
screws (80) and nuts (81).
EMI bracket aside.
(4) Install printed wiring board basket assem-
(8) Remove nuts (73, fig. 4-3) and washers (74)
bly (6) in chassis.
holding fine adjust control (75) in chassis.
(5) Connect leads to capacitor C1 (9) with
( 9 ) Carefully work control back through
screws (7) and washers (8).
chassis; tag and unsolder leads to control.