TM 11-6130-392-34
Table 4-4. Performance Test Procedures-Continued
Column 3
Column 2
Column 1
Reference, or Instruction
Acceptable TEST RESULT
Test Procedure
No current flow.
(2) Set CHANNEL SELECT switch to 1.
switch to B1. Check panel meter.
Panel meter reads more than 700 mA.
(3) P r e s s V O L T A G E T E S T s w i t c h .
Check Panel Meter.
Display is 18.8.
(4) Turn SET CHARGE TIME thumb-
wheels to 18.8. Press START TIME
switch. Check CHARGE TIME
Reading is less than 15 mA (on 50 mA
(5) Set CHANNEL SELECT switch to 1,
scale), each of 5 channels.
all CURRENT SET switches to 50
mA and all FINE ADJ controls fully
counterclockwise. Rotate CHANNEL
SELECT switch to each of 5 positions
in turn. Check current reading.
All channels can be adjusted for 50 mA
(6) Set CHANNEL SELECT switch to 1.
meter reading.
Adjust channel 1 FINE ADJ control
for panel meter reading of 50 mA.
Repeat for channels 2, 3, 4 and 5.
a. Reading is less than or equal to 50 mA
(7) Repeat steps (5) and (6) with CUR-
(on 200 mA scale), each of 5 channels.
RENT SET switches in 200 mA posi-
b. All channels can be adjusted to 200 mA
meter reading.
a. Reading is less than or equal to 200 mA
(8) Repeat steps (5) and (6) with CUR-
(on 700 mA scale), each of 5 channels.
RENT SET switches in 700 mA posi-
b. All channels can be adjusted to 700 mA
meter reading.
Display changed from 18.8 to 18.7 within
(9) Set all CURRENT SET switches to 50
mA and get stopwatch. Press START
T I M E switch. Record exact time
REMAINING display to change from
18.8 to 18.7 (Do not wait more than 7
minutes for change.) Limits are:
Low 5 minutes, 42 seconds
High 6 minutes, 18 seconds
Display reads . 0 when START TIME
(10) S e t C H A R G E T I M E H O U R S
switch is pressed; goes blank when
R E M A I N I N G to read 0 0 . 0 . Press
START TIME is released.
START TIME switch. Check display.
No current flow.
(11) Check panel meter.
Display is --
(12) S e t C H A R G E T I M E H O U R S
R E M A I N I N G to read 0 9 . 9 . Press
START TIME switch. Check display.
Display is .9.
(13) S e t C H A R G E T I M E H O U R S
R E M A I N I N G to read 0 0 . 9 . Press
START TIME switch. Check display.
Display is same for each of the 8 different
(14) Repeat, as in (13), with settings at:
For each; check display.
(15) S e t C H A R G E T I M E H O U R S
Display did not change; reads 18.8.
R E M A I N I N G to read 1 8 . 8 . Press
START TIME switch. Remove pow-
er cable from 115 VAC input source.
Use stopwatch; time 10 seconds, and
reconnect power cable. Check dis-