TB 11-6135-200-25
3. Depot certification stamp and data.
(b) A group of like items repaired or rebuilt by
DA Pam 310-1
Consolidated Index of Army Pub-
the Maintenance Division in one production run.
lications and Blank Forms.
(2) Lot formation. The items shall be assembled into
AR 725-50
Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue
identifiable lots. Each lot shall, as far as practicable,
consist of units of product of a single type, grade, class,
Preservation, Methods of.
size, and composition manufactured, repaired, or rebuilt
Parts, Materials and Processes Us-
at the same time and stored under the same conditions.
ed in Electronic Communica-
(3) Lot size. The lot size is the total number of individual
tion Equipment.
like items in the lot that is to be inspected.
Marking of Electronic Items.
b. Sampling Procedure.
Sampling Procedures and Tables
(1) Sample selection. Select samples of material in a
for Inspection by Attributes.
Quality Assurance Terms and
way which will assure that each unit in the lot has an
equal chance of being selected. Biased methods, such
Marking for Shipment and Sto-
as selecting items from the same position in a container,
pallets, or stacks; taking items all from one location; or
Identification Marking of U.S.
selecting items that appear defective, will not be used.
(2) Sample size. Use table I of MIL-STD-105D, General
Military Property.
Wired Equipment, Classification
Inspection Level II, to obtain the sample size code letter,
of Visual and Mechanical De-
and table II-A of MIL-STD-105D to obtain the sample
fects for.
size using the storage quality levels shown in (3) below.
(3) Storage quality levels (SQL).
Packaging Requirements Code.
TB SIG 355-1
Depot Inspection Standard for
Mechanical-visual inspection: critical SQL 1.0
Repaired Signal Equipment.
percent; major SQL 2.5 percent; minor SQL 10 percent.
TB-SIG 355-2
Depot Inspection Standard for
(b) Electrical: critical SQL 1.0 percent, major SQL 2.5
Refinishing Repaired Signal
(c) Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking:
TB SIG 355-3
Depot Inspection Standard for
major SQL 4.0 percent; minor SQL 10 percent.
Moisture and Fungus Resistant
(d) The acceptance or reject number for the above
SQL's shall be the same as those shown for comparable
TB 750-236
acceptance quality levels (AQL's) in table II-A of
Maintenance of Army Materiel.
TM 38-750
Army Equipment Record Proce-
(c) Inspection Requirements. The following mechanical-
visual inspections shall be performed: (1) Inspect case
B-4. Other Directives.
for physical damage, condition, and finish.
(2) Inspect all controls and switches for proper operation
AR 795-17
General Policies and Principles for
and loose or missing hardware.
Furnishing Army Materiel on
(3) Inspect all connectors, plugs, and cord receptacles
a Grant Aid Basis.
for condition and damage.
AR 795-204
General Policies and Principles for
(4) Inspect assembly for physical damage, condition,
Furnishing Defense Articles and
missing parts, foreign objects, and finish.
Services on a Sale or Loan
(5) Inspect cabling and wiring for potential short circuits,
(6) Inspect solder connections for missing solder, cold
B-5. Inspection Criteria.
solder, insufficient solder, excessive solder, and
a. Lot Criteria.
improper wrap.
(1) Lot definition. A lot is defined as a group of like
(7) Inspect for illegible, incorrect, or missing markings.
items from which sample is to be drawn and inspected to
(80 Inspect for corrosion, dirt, moisture, and fungus.
determine conformance with the acceptability criteria.
(9) Inspect all parts and hardwre for damage and
The following are examples:
(a) A group of like items in storage which were received
d. Test Requirements. Perform those tests that are
in a shipment with the following identical markings:
specified for each missile battery listed in appendix B.
1. Purchase order number.
2. Date packaged or packed.