TM 11-6625-2631-14
3 - 2 . Controls, Connectors, and Indicators
T e s t aet operating controls, connectors, and in-
The TS-2530 / UR test set does not require any
dicators are shown in figure 1-1 and are described
power source other than the power supplied by the
battery under test. The TS-2530 / UR can be
operated at a maintenance facility or hand-held on
a flight line.
Control connector. or indicator
Provides connection for testing of Radio Set AN/ URT-21
URT-21 , PRC-63 connector
battery, or Radio Set AN/ PRC-63 battery, or Radio Set
AN/ PRC-90 battery (when test adapter MX-8801 / PRC-
90 is used).
URT-27 connector
Provides connection for testing of Radio Set AN/ URT-27
URC-10 cable and connector
Provides cable connection for testing of Radio Set AN / URC-
10 battery.
K308 connector
Provides connection for testing of type K308 batteries.
K308A connector recese
Provides matching connector receptacle for testing of Radio
Set ACR / RT-10 battery.
SDU-5 / E connector recess
Provides matching connector receptacle for testing of Rescue
Light SDU-5 / E battery.
Test meter
Provides an indication of relative battery condition and, when
used with respective battery data cards, indicates remaining
hour of battery life
Battery data cards
Plasticized data charts which indicate the relationship between
the state of battery discharge to life expectancy at various
temperatures for tested batteries
during test of the battery, allow five minutes for
reading to stabilize before evaluating the battery
No special Procedures are required before
o p e r a t i n g the test act. H o w e v e r , the following
precautions should be observed:
3 - 4 . Normal Operating Procedures
a. Always check the date of manufacture on the
a. Battery Test Connections. The types of
battery to be tested. Discard batteries that are more
batteries tested by the unit, and the respective test
than two years old, regardless of battery teat in-
c o n n e c t o r s a r e d e s c r i b e d i n t h e following
( 1 ) AN / URT-21 or AN / PRC63 batteries
The date of battery manufacture is
are connected to the test set with the male con-
stamped on the battery casing and is ab-
nector (red lead) to the + terminal; and the female
breviated by a four digit code number: the
connector (black lead ) to the -- terminal. Both
f i r s t two digits represent the month; the
terminals are located" on the front connector block
last two digits represent the year.
b e n e a t h the URT-21, PRC-63 designations.
b If the initial teat oat meter reading fluctuates