TM 11-6625-2631-14
(2) Install the AN / PRC-90 battery and test
(5) Remove the battery from the test adapter
adapter connections as described in a (6) above
and disconnect the test adapter from the test set.
3-5. Operating Under
Unusual Conditions
( 3 ) Observe the test set meter reading and
The test set is designed for use under field con-
c o n v e r t the reading to APPROXIMATE HOURS
ditions, However, it should not be subjected to salt
spray, dust, or rainstorms during use. For
reference to the AN / PR C-90 battery data card.
protection, during these conditions, the equipment
(4) Reject battery if battery test indicates that
should be used under cover.
life hours remaining are less than 60%0f
m a x i m u m ; o t h e r w i s e , battery is considered ac-
ceptable for further use.