TM 11-6625-2631-14
its lead terminations at the connector designated
(2) AN / URT-27 batteries are connected to
K308 on the front connector block; the second type
the test set with the male connector (red lead ) to the
of battery is detachable from the rear cover and is
+ terminal; and the female connector (black lead)
tested by insertion into the receptacle designated
to the -- terminal. Both terminals are located on
K308A on the right side of the test set. This battery
t h e front connector block beneath the URT-27
also uses an epoxy material over the battery con-
tacts; to allow the test set wire contacts to penetrate
(3) AN/ URC-1O batteries are connected to
t h e test set via the molded cable / connector
this material, the battery must be firmly inserted
a n d held in place while the meter readings are
a s s e m b l y located beneath the connector block,
d e s i g n a t e d URC-10.
(4) SD U-5 / E batteries are screwed into a
(6) AN/ PRC-90 batteries require the use of
special receptacle located on the right side of the
special Battery Test Adapter MX-8801 / PRC-90,
test set, designated SD U-5 / E. Battery terminal
to interface the battery terminals with the test set
contact is made through the battery epoxy surface,
connector. The adapter leads are first connected to
which is penetrated by sharp rigid wire contacts
t h e battery test set connector block terminals
w i t h in the test set connector; be sure that the
designated PRC-63, with the male connector (red
battery is fully screwed into the receptacle.
lead ) to the + terminal; and the female lead (black
(5) ACR / RT-1O batteries are inserted into
lead ) to the -- t e r m i n a l . The battery is then in-
s e r t e d into the adapter in accordance with the
battery configurations are used with this type of
polarity markings. A typical test configuration for
radio set. One type of battery is formed as part of
the rear cover assembly and must be tested through
Figure 3-1. AN/ PRC-90 battery
(BA-1568 / U)
test setup.
set if battery polarity is not observed during
b. Procedure. T h e
test connections.
describes a typical battery test:
( 1 ) Check the date of manufacture on the
b a t t e r y in accordance with the information in
Permanent damage may occur to the test