TM 11-6625-2631-14
maintenance services and inspection will be im-
38-750. Equipment with a deficiency that cannot
mediately reported to higher category maintenance
be corrected at the organizational category should
be deadlined in accordance with TM 38-75.0.
by the use of forms and procedures specified in TM
Table 4-3. Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Work time
Item to be inspected
(M/ H)
See that the test set is complete.
Check DA' Pam 310-4 to see that all pertinent publications are available. The technical
manuals must be complete and in usable condition without missing pages. All changes
pertinent to the publications must he on hand.
Check DA Pam 310-7 to see that all URGENT MWO'S have been applied to the equipment
and that all NORMAL MWOS have been scheduled.
21 test connector. Inspect the adapter for general
a p p e a r a n c e , tightness of contacts, and battery
a. Troubleshooting t h i s e q u i p m e n t a t t h e
h o l d e r tension. Check spring (+) and base (--)
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l category is confined to a visual
contacts for corrosion. Sand lightly with No. 000
indication of the possible or actual trouble and is
s a n d p a p e r to remove corrosion. Check cable for
based on indications observed during performance
dam aged connectors, chafed or frayed wiring, loose
of the appropriate preventive maintenance checks
a n d services and actual equipment performance
during operation. The only maintenance performed
at this category is the continuity testing of Battery
( 1 ) Check for continuity between the (+)
T e s t Adapter MX-8801 / PRC-90.
terminal block on the adapter and the male con-
b. In the event that the test adapter is not def-
nector at the cable termination.
ective, and the in malfunction is in the test set, repairs
( 2 ) Check for continuity between the (--)
must he accomplished at general support category
t e r m i n a l block on the adapter and the female
o f maintenance.
connector at the cable termination.
Battery Test Adapter
c. If cable continuity is not indicated, refer the
Battery Test Adapter MX-8801 / PRC-90
M X - 8 8 0 1 / PRC-90 to higher category main-
1-3 )
interconnects the AN/
PRC-90 battery
tenance. If continuity is indicated, refer the test set
the TS-2530 / UR via the PRC-63 and URT.
to a higher category of maintenance.